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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. AOC Solutions, Inc

AOC Solutions, Inc

Founded in 1996, AOC Solutions provides innovative commercial payments technology, federal financial management consulting, and contact center operations that serve over 400,000 clients. AOC Solutions includes three primary divisions:
•    Commercial Payments – AOC’s commercial payments technology solutions help organizations streamline B2B payment processes to significantly reduce costs, save time, and increase revenues.
•    Managed Services – The Managed Services division at AOC conducts vendor enrollment and provides contact center, invoice processing, and training services.
•    Federal Financial Management – The Federal Financial Management team includes highly credentialed experts from the government sector to manage the challenging Federal requirements within accounting, systems, and audit.
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At AOC Solutions, commercial payments technology is our focus. Our mission is to design and build solutions that enable both buyers and suppliers to receive faster, more secure and data-rich payments and remittances.... Read more

Additional Culture Details

AOC Solutions is committed to investing in the success of our team members. When they succeed, we all succeed. And we’re committed to hiring the best possible talent and rewarding our employees with competitive salaries, rich benefits, and a thriving company culture.

We are proud of our robust benefits package at AOC Solutions. Our executive leadership provides a total benefits package (including salary, benefits, and rewards) that demonstrates the company’s commitment to our workforce. For example:
•    Vacation time and sick leave – One of the best parts about working at AOC Solutions is the time off. Here, team members are encouraged to take time off from work. Each employee is expected to take at least three weeks of paid time off during the calendar year. And there’s no waiting period before new employees can take vacation time or use a sick day. Basically, as long as their work gets done, they can take time off whenever they need it (with their supervisor’s approval, of course). And yes, these are paid days off. AOC is committed to earning employees’ trust and respect. And in turn, we are committed to treating our employees with fairness and respect as well. We trust our team members to put in the hours needed to get their work done, and we also trust them to take time off in reasonable amounts.
•    Holidays – In addition to the generous vacation time and sick leave policy, AOC also provides our workforce with 10 paid holidays each year that coincide with the Federal holiday schedule.
•    Insurance benefits – The last thing AOC wants employees to worry about is insurance coverage. Our executive team is committed to providing medical and dental insurance that requires minimal out-of-pocket contributions from employees. In addition, AOC pays the majority of medical and dental insurance premiums for employee coverage, further reducing out-of-pocket costs. Plus, AOC pays the following insurance premiums in full: vision insurance, short-term disability insurance, long-term disability insurance, and life insurance coverage of $100,000 (with additional life insurance available at an additional cost).
•    401(k) – AOC team members are automatically enrolled in the 401(k) plan on the first of the month following their hire date. AOC also contributes a percentage of employees’ contributions to their 401(k) on an annual basis, helping them grow their retirement savings even more.
•    Annual bonus – Each December, employees receive an annual bonus based on their performance and company profits throughout that year.

Our corporate culture is unique because we truly want our employees to enjoy working at AOC Solutions. Will they feel connected here? Will they want to stay here? Will they have fun here? (Yes, fun.) And AOC is committed to providing opportunities for team members to connect and have fun, both during work hours and beyond. For example, during the workday AOC purchases pizza for the entire corporate office each Wednesday and also schedules periodic office celebrations (such as an ice cream social, football Friday, baking/cooking contests, and more). And that same spirit exists after office hours as well, as AOC sponsors periodic team-building events (such as laser tag, bowling, zip-lining, trivia night, scavenger hunts, etc.) to bolster camaraderie.
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Chantilly, VA


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