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American Preparatory Academy


American Prep believes that a public school’s central mission is two-fold:
1) To ensure that each student achieves maximum academic proficiency and,
2) To ensure that each student develops virtuous character and motivation for productive citizenry, that thereby students become effective citizens of a free, self-governing nation, and possess the intelligence, skills and desire to dedicate a portion of their lives to changing the world for the better.
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Our school’s mission is to provide a classical, liberal arts education through an orderly, safe and nurturing learning environment wherein content-rich, efficient curriculum and research-based instructional methodologies are utilized to ensure that every student achieves academic success and develops good character based on concrete measurements.... Read more


Equality, Unity and Inclusion
APA values and embodies the American ideals of liberty, equality, democracy, rule of law, and patriotism. We believe that all students and staff have been endowed with certain unalienable rights that we respect at school. As a classical school, we promote human flourishing and we believe it is our duty to teach and demonstrate these ideals in our schools. We believe that every person in our school has immeasurable value and potential. We carefully work to ensure that these rights are available to each student: ● The right to fully participate in our school programs ● The right to opportunities to develop character traits of diligence, hard work, humility, and scholarship ● Each student and staff member are viewed, treated, and respected as a full and equal member of the community. ● All students, regardless of disability, are included in classes and non-academic activities to the maximum extent possible.


Draper, UT


650 US Employees


Primary / Secondary Schools

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