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Allstate Insurance Company Company Logo
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  2. Allstate Insurance Company

Allstate Insurance Company

The Allstate Corporation is the largest publicly held personal lines property and casualty insurer in America.

Today, you can buy insurance on the Internet and over the phone. In fact, Allstate sells insurance in both of those ways.

But we also sell through Allstate Agents. Because for many people, the Agent's experience, education and personal connection with you ca... Read more
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Northbrook, IL


10,000 US Employees


General Insurance

Recent Awards

Company Snapshots

Allstate employees and agents present a $10,000 check to the Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department
Allstate Safe Driving Challenge rolled through Colorado Springs in 2012
Allstate employees and agents present a $10,000 check to the Waldo Canyon Fire Fighters Fund
The Mobile Claims Center at the High Park Wildfire disaster recovery center