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Harmony Family Center Company Logo
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  2. Harmony Family Center

Harmony Family Center

Harmony is not your typical agency. Harmony is your resource for innovative, evidence-based therapies and programs that are uniquely catered to individual, children, and family needs.

We are students of the latest science-backed, trauma-informed therapies and services.

We are not promoters of the "how it's always been" mentality. We are proponents of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that meets each person where they are.

Harmony Happens

Harmony Family Center's impact extends across Tennessee and beyond state borders.​

Since 1996, Harmony Family Center has served over 135,000 children and families.

For every dollar donated, 92 cents goes straight to the individuals and families we serve.

Since inception, Harmony has trained over 22,000 professionals and community leaders.

Harmony Family Center has provided in-service and pre-service training to foster parents more than 35,000 times.

Historic Camp Montvale offers 364 acres with opportunities to learn, heal
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Our Philosophy
Family is the foundation of each program and is evidenced in Harmony’s services, communications, and relationships. Harmony works to ensure that families are able to promote a child’s emotional well-being, safety, and vitality through treatment, education, and advocacy. When the family unit is strong, then we are meeting the needs of the children.

Harmony does not compromise the quality of care. Each program’s design is based on nationally recognized standards for excellence. In formal and informal ways, Harmony continually asks clients, funding sources, and staff, “How are we doing?”. Program changes are made based on these evaluations, industry trends, and research.

Harmony respects team members by providing the education, tools, and support needed to be the best. Harmony places great value on the people who do the work. Harmony strives for a culture of inclusion where constructively challenging the ideas and thoughts of one another is encouraged.


Knoxville, TN


107 US Employees


Human & Social Services

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