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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke

Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke

We are an architectural firm and we design buildings, both public and private across Southern California. A great deal of our work has been focused on designing new schools and renovating old schools. We also have designed numerous public buildings in the Inland Empire, including Riverside City Hall, the Riverside County Administrative Center, the expansion of the County Admin Center, and various Fire Stations and Operation Centers. We are also in commercial and office design work in Southern California.... Read more

Additional Culture Details

We have a very nice group of employees who enjoy working together, and in many cases, socializing together. We work in teams and expect highly skilled people to get along and help one another accomplish the projects at hand. We value integrity, imagination and a good work ethic.... Read more


Riverside, CA


64 US Employees



Recent Awards