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Deerfield Public Schools District 109 Company Logo
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  2. Deerfield Public Schools District 109

Deerfield Public Schools District 109


We regard people as the single most important asset of our educational system. We strive to identify new and innovative methods to improve the quantitative, calculative, and strategic aspects of relationship building in a systemic manner. To that end, identifying and then further developing top talent is rightly worthy of the time and investment we give it. However, it’s not just about spotting the talent within, it’s also about keeping a keen eye on talent from outside our educational system as well.... Read more


District 109 students will excel and contribute when they have the knowledge and skills to be:
Lifelong, self-directed learners
Critical and creative thinkers
Effective communicators
Collaborative team members
Respectful and responsible members of society
... Read more


Provide innovative educational experiences of the highest quality that engage, inspire, and empower each student to excel and contribute to improving the world.... Read more


Our Guiding Principles
We will:
• Make decisions based on what is best for students considering research, data, and stakeholder input
• Provide a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment
• Ensure that each student is educated by highly qualified and highly effective staff
• Ensure each student reaches his or her potential by providing equal access to individualized academic and social-emotional
learning opportunities
• Provide innovative learning spaces and experiences
• Build transparency and trust through effective communication and sound financial stewardship
• Inspire students to be lifelong learners who enrich the world


Deerfield, IL


421 US Employees


Primary / Secondary Schools

Recent Awards

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